
Statements, Analysis, and Events

Justin O'Hagan looks at the past and future of Latvia

Speech by Gerry Grainger at Brussels Communist Meeting

There can be no human liberation without equality of the sexes.

More than half of a worker’s salary in the city and municipality of Madrid goes towards housing

The communist and workers parties must continually expose the exploitative system which gives rise to mass migration and work unceasingly to end it. 

A legendary figure in the history of the Workers Party, and in the history of working-class politics in Ireland

The Workers Party has demanded a Bill of Rights for over 50 years. In a two-part article, the Party makes a Socialist, Secular, and Anti-Sectarian case for a Bill of Rights in NI. 

Our struggle for socialism goes on, with renewed commitment and dedication.

Contribution by Ultán Gillen 

Contribution by Gerry Grainger to the International Communist Review

Justin O’Hagan, argues for the need to integrate the question of global and local environmental sustainability into every aspect of socialist politics, including our plans for developing the economy.

The Workers Party submitted this anaysis to “A Sense of Belonging: Delivering Social Change through a Racial Equality Strategy for Northern Ireland 2014-2024”.

Speech by Workers Party delivered at European Conference on Fascism