In solidarity with Greek Communists and striking workers!


On 28th February 2023 fifty-seven people, almost all students, were killed, and dozens more injured when an intercity passenger train collided head-on with a cargo locomotive in the valley of Tempe in northern Greece. It was the worst rail accident in Greece’s history. The Guardian reports that today (February 28th) hundreds of thousands of people have joined protests and strikes as Greece marks the second anniversary of the crash.

The Greek Communist Party (KKE) has called on workers all over the country “to turn their anger into struggle against the real causes of the problems faced by the people and to flood the streets on 28 February”. The Guardian notes that “as experts attributed the disaster to oversights and major systemic failures, striking workers grounded flights and halted sea and train transport, and rallies [are being] held nationwide under the watch of police in riot gear. Banners in Athens’ central Syntagma square [are] emblazoned with the words: ‘Government of murderers’.”

The Central Executive Committee of the Workers Party of Ireland and the Executive Committee of Workers Party Youth (Ireland) have sent the following message of solidarity to our comrades in the KKE, KNE (Communist Youth) and the revolutionary trade union, PAME

Workers Party of Ireland and Workers Party Youth (Ireland)

Solidarity Message to the KKE, KNE and PAME on the 28th February 2025 National General Strike

Dear Comrades,

The Workers Party of Ireland and Workers Party Youth (Ireland) send comradely best wishes and solidarity to the KKE, KNE and PAME on the occasion of the National General Strike taking place across Greece on 28 February on the anniversary of the collision between two trains south of the Tempe Valley in Greece.

This strike across the public and private sector will involve workers across many industries and trades. They will be joined by students and young people in a militant demonstration of united action against the real causes of the problems faced by working people, the capitalist system. 

The high levels of death, injury and occupational disease in general must be laid at the hands of the profiteers and business groups, aided by the bourgeois governments and the European Union. Workers through injury or death pay the price for the profits of the employers and the monopolies.

On 28 February Greek workers remember the crime at Tempe and demand accountability! 

Condolences to the relatives of the victims of the crime at Tempe!

Proletarian solidarity with Greek workers! 

No to exploitation which can only be ended through class struggle, workers’ power and socialism! 

In comradely solidarity. 

On behalf of the Central Executive Committee of the Workers Party of Ireland and the Executive Committee of Workers Party Youth (Ireland)