We call for a State Construction company to be set up and that an immediate programme of house building be commenced
The core principles of the NHS are once again under attack and people have to fight back
Jerrica Struthers recounts the story of one tenant's fight back against a bullying landlord and the necessity of solidarity in the struggle for fair housing
The Markets needs family homes not commercial properties to accumulate profits or to lie empty as so many do.
On the second anniversary of the crime at Tempe, which left 57 dead
It is time for workers to ensure that their needs are front and centre in any regeneration of the Newry area.
What benefit does multiplication of management roles bring?
We're not opposed to school uniforms but expensive corporate style uniforms should have no place in our schools.
Thee type of reforms Minister Nesbitt is proposing will further damage an already fragile system
Ratepayers are now of the opinion that the Council prefers vanity projects to practical needs.
Workers Party urges councillors to say no to private hospital in Belfast
The Communist Party condemned the detention as a repressive escalation against the forces fighting for rule of law
What Conor Murphy calls ‘socialisation’ of charges is in fact a genuflection to profit-takers in the market
Debt advice is a useful service, but on its own it’s a sticking plaster on a gaping wound.
Insurance companies are raking in massive profits while ordinary citizens have another massive burden to shoulder.
“I am again calling on the council to replace this completely useless system "
Women are 51% of the population and their right to live from violence or the threat of violence is a human right.
Comrade Wil was well known to our Party and held in high esteem
Time to halt the privatisation and fragmentation of our healthcare systems
"The Cuban Revolution has survived, and it will continue to do so."
Lack of funding for Youth Workers making matters worse
Vested interests continue to undermine NHS core principles of by privatisation and fragmentation
This graffiti will send a chill and sense of anger right across the town and the wider area.
THE Workers Party is calling for major investment for Downpatrick.
Fee Chambers from Workers Party Women's Committee reports
The situation is going to get worse as Minister plans to consult on prescription and homecare charges.
"Residents of Distillery Street should not have to live in a state of fear for their children's safety."
Nicola Grant has been asked to seek more answers from the Trust about the strategic direction of the Trust and the future of Daisy Hill Hospital.
"It would seem that in order to balance the books by 2027 they are going to consult on potential charges for Prescriptions and Home Care Services."
The Health Service we have cherished is now being dismantled before our very eyes. It is now time to fight back in earnest.
Members of the Workers Party protested outside the Translink depot on the Falls Road calling for the service to be reinstated.
“Residents are right to feel sceptical about the Council's ability to manage resources and deliver meaningful projects.."
“Patients are already suffering the effects of not being able to get GP appointments when needed and this will make an extremely bad situation much worse."
There are a number of Drug Awareness courses available for Licensees, to take the initiative to ensure their premises are as safe as possible.
Medical staff should make a choice between the National Health Service and the Private Health Sector: they can’t serve two masters.
Workers have the right to work free from the threat of violence and civic leaders, have a responsibility to condemn those who engage in this violent behavior.
Residents are greatly concerned about the possible serious health implications of this leak.
Take a moment to sign the petition to save our pool and fight for the services we deserve.
It's time for the Stormont Parties to grant parity of pay, esteem, and respect to NHS staff and all public sector workers.
While welcome, this payment will only cover a fraction of the costs of the energy needed to adequately heat the homes of pensioners.
Our politicians in the past have agreed on many costly Health Service reorganizations that wasted billions of pounds and delivered nothing but privatization and fragmentation,
We in the Workers Party believe that more parks are needed in urban areas, and are completely opposed to the closing of much needed public spaces.
The climate crisis produced by capitalism is an existential threat to humanity.
Antisocial behaviour "could potentially lead to serious injury or fatalities." Tony Walls
"Just another example of the indifference shown towards working-class communities"
Ursula Meaghan
Sitaram Yechury will be sadly missed by all who knew him. He is a great loss to his Party and his comrades. He will be fondly remembered.
Contempt for the hundreds and thousands of those working-class people who live in poverty and multiple deprivation.
“It is necessary to create a safer environment for women and also essential to locate exploitation of women within society and the capitalist system".
Open, transparent, and courageous debate needed on Health Service that will deliver quality outcomes and deal with decades of inequalities.
"To call the Childcare Section of the so-called Programme for Government, a betrayal of the needs of children and parents, would be a major understatement”.
While the Workers Party welcomes steps that improve the conditions of workers, transformative change cannot come in the framework of a system where the minority appropriates the wealth produced by the working class.
Children's lives are being put in danger
Andersonstown News October 2nd, 2024
Health service “free at the point of entry regardless of class or creed” is being undermined
An emergency message of solidarity with the Lebanese youth from Workers Party Youth
Tynan protests Cork subsidiary with links to Gaza bombs
Workers Party North Belfast representative speaks out after child hospitalised.
The unity of workers who have nothing but their labour power to sell is more important than the cultural, ethnic, racial or national divisions which separate them..
In the very near future, countries arming Israel in its genocidal assault must be summoned to the International Court of Justice to explain their actions.
"There has to be a political language and understanding to change it. It can't just be 'everything's terrible' — you have to have a political vision and bring new ideas."