Residents Contact WP Over Water Seepage in Turf Lodge Housing

Residents in the Turf Lodge area are entitled to expect that problems like this are addressed immediately and should not be allowed to grow worse

A number of residents in Norglen Drive and Norglen Crescent have contacted Workers Party Rep, Ursula Meighan regarding water pooling at the entrance to the above streets.

Residents are concerned that children constantly run through this pool of water which could be sewerage, as it seems to be percolating up from below the ground. Ursula went on to say that residents have sent her a number of photographs that show it is clearly not surface water and is brownish in colour.

Residents are greatly concerned for a number of reasons, the serious health implications if it is sewerage leak, or if not, the difficulties these pools of water will pose when they freeze over as the weather gets colder, causing dangerous walking conditions for those using these streets especially our older residents. Residents are also concerned that if there is a leak in the water system, it should be seen to promptly to avoid the problem getting worse and result in major works needing to be carried out and the water supply to the estate being turned off for substantial periods of time thus causing serious disruption to residents’ daily routines.

Ursula concluded, "I will be in contact with the Water Service today to ensure that this problem is sorted without further delay. Residents in the Turf Lodge area are entitled to expect that problems like this are addressed immediately and should not be allowed to grow worse. I am hoping for the sake of the residents that this is not sewerage water with all the health implications this could pose to people living in an area already suffering the consequences of poverty, deprivation, health inequalities, and neglect from those in power."