Workers Party Rep, Kevin McNally condemns threats against workers removing racist graffiti from East Belfast house

Racism is a hate crime and intimidation against working class people who are doing their job is nothing but criminal activity. These actions cannot or should not be excused or justified.

Workers Party representative Kevin McNally has condemned the threats made against workers removing racist graffiti from a house in Hornby Street in East Belfast. Kevin described the actions of those involved in the intimidation as outrageous acts of criminality and racism.

Those in our communities who carry out such actions have nothing to offer only hatred and violence, but bring censure upon all those decent residents who want to live in peace with their neighbours regardless of ethnic background or creed. Workers should have the right to work free from the threat of violence and intimidation, and public and civic leaders, have a responsibility to condemn and call out those factions who engage in this violent behavior.

Racism is a hate crime and intimidation against working class people who are doing their job is nothing but criminal activity. These actions cannot or should not be excused or justified. Kevin said the Workers Party is concerned that there are extreme right-wing elements within Northern Ireland, who are fermenting hatred against refugees and migrants, especially those with a different skin colour or religion. He continued Northern Ireland after all our problems and suffering, should be a welcoming place for both refugees and migrants.

Belfast is listed as a City of Sanctuary, and refugees are here because of proxy wars, persecution and violence in their own countries. Migrants are here because they are needed to help run our hospitals our care homes, and many other public and private services. They are not taking our jobs, or our homes, they contribute to and enrich our society. It is now time to show the racists in our communities The Red Card.