THE WORKERS PARTY is a Marxist-Leninist party committed to the revolutionary transformation of society, the abolition of capitalism and the building of a democratic, secular, socialist republic in which power is firmly in the hands of the working class.

The Party opposes all forms of nationalism, British and Irish. We are actively anti-sectarian and do not subscribe to ‘the two communities’ or ‘separate but equal’’ models.

We believe in citizenship for all members of society. We stand against racism and homophobia and fully support a woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices.

The Workers Party advocates a central role for the state in the economy, planning, infrastructure, housing, health and education. 

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Following the intervention by Workers Party Rep, Lily Kerr, in the recent Belfast City Council meeting, the Councillors could have discussed whether or not to pass the recommendations of the Planning Committee, which include approval for another private healthcare facilty in South Belfast. Instead, they did this. The speaker is Sinn Féin former mayor , Ardur Carson.